Comment bien préparer sa cyclosportive ?

How to properly prepare for your cyclosport?

Optimal preparation a few days before the event

Optimization of physical preparation

A few days before your cyclosportive event , it is crucial to devote particular attention to your physical preparation. Make sure you have sufficiently recovered from your previous workouts and avoid overloading your body with excessive volume of exercises. A light outing on D-4 can help maintain blood circulation and relax muscles, but don't overdo it to avoid unnecessary fatigue.

Stress management and relaxation

Stress can have a significant impact on your performance during cycling. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing or yoga to maintain a calm and focused state of mind. Remember that this event is above all a competition with yourself, so focus on your own goals.

cycling jersey

Come and equip yourself at “Le petit vélo” for your next objective!

Appropriate diet before the test

The days before the cyclosportive , favor a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates to recharge your energy reserves. Avoid heavy, fatty or spicy foods that could upset your digestive system. Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcoholic beverages.

Final preparation and day of the test

Recharge of energy reserves on D-3

Three days before the competition, use an anti-oxidant malto drink to optimize your glycogen reserves. This drink will provide you with the carbohydrates necessary to support your effort during cycling while avoiding digestive problems linked to too heavy a diet.

Last meal before the test

A GATOSPORT is an ideal choice for the meal before the cyclosportive. Easy to digest and rich in energy, it will provide you with the necessary fuel to start the race with vigor. Be sure to consume this meal at least an hour before departure to allow for proper digestion.


Proper warm-up

A good warm-up is essential to prepare your body for exercise.

Perform dynamic exercises to activate your muscles and increase your heart rate. For long distance races, plan a longer warm-up to ensure your body is ready for the prolonged effort.

Effort management and nutrition during the race

Effort control and hydration

While running, maintain a steady pace and monitor your effort to avoid premature exhaustion. Drink regularly (energy drink of your choice) in small sips to avoid dehydration.

Use of energy gels

Energy gels can be used strategically to recharge your batteries while running. Take them with water to facilitate their absorption and maximize their effects. Save them for times when you need an extra boost, like during climbs or the last few miles of the race.

By following these preparation and effort management tips, you will be better equipped to tackle your cyclosport with confidence and determination. Good luck and enjoy every moment of this unique experience!

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